Vitaly Demyanenko

All players
Rank: 12061
Winnigs for 2024 year:
Total winnings:
Best result:
Location: Russia

Player Stats

Date Tournament Place Winnings
09.08.2021 #5 WPTDS Main Event 52 2610 c.u.
23.07.2019 Main Event 143 $2750
18.07.2019 Colossus 259 $600
19.10.2018 #2 Russian Poker Championship 63 1080
21.07.2016 EAPT THNL Super Satellite to Main Event Day 1A. 10 seats Guaranteed 9 Ticket to ME
21.04.2016 Texas NL, Super Satellite to EAPT ME. Day 1A. 8 seats Guaranteed 3 Ticket to ME
08.11.2015 WPT National Georgia Main Event. $100.000 Guaranteed 8 $ 7.630
03.11.2015 WPT Georgia Poker Championship. $35.000 Guaranteed 20 $ 720
27.11.2014 THNL Super Satellite to ME Day 1A. 10 seats Guaranteed 1 Ticket to EAPC
Cash game 10-25 ye