Sergey Leonov

All players
Sergey Leonov
Rank: 11398
Winnigs for 2025 year:
Total winnings:
Best result:

Player Stats

Date Tournament Place Winnings
11.09.2021 #39 SPF Mini Main Event 8 2285 c.u.
05.09.2021 #12 SPF Deep Stack Bounty [150 Bounty] 21 255 c.u.
23.12.2019 #17 Supersatellite to Day 1A Main Event 17 550 c.u.
30.11.2019 #33 Turbo Main Event 5 7745 c.u.
25.11.2019 #13 Main Event 11 10045 c.u.
11.09.2019 #19 Main Event 24 1790
13.09.2019 #27 Super Bounty [200 KO] 5 places paid 5 $890
11.09.2019 #21 Turbo Deep Stack Bounty [100 KO] 4 $1050
10.09.2019 #17 Hyper Turbo Deep Stack 9 $370
06.09.2019 #2 Warm Up 11 $1355
07.09.2019 #7 Pot Limit Omaha Bounty [125 KO] 4 $445
06.09.2019 #4 Bounty [150 KO] 2 $2385
06.09.2019 #3 Satellite to Warm Up Day 1B 3 $440
24.02.2019 PLO Bounty 125 KO 7 $340
23.02.2019 Turbo Deep Stack S Bounty 200 KO 8 $295