Oleg Suntsov

All players
Oleg Suntsov
Rank: 9738
Winnigs for 2025 year:
Total winnings:
Best result:
Location: Russia

Player Stats

Date Tournament Place Winnings
26.07.2019 Monster Stack 9 $3250
18.07.2019 Colossus 238 $600
22.07.2019 Main Event 1 in 10 Satellite: 15 Day 1A Seats 32 $1015
18.07.2019 Bounty [250 Ko] 9 $540
27.06.2019 Main Event 35 $1520
26.06.2019 Hyper Turbo Deep Stack 8 $440
25.06.2019 Bounty [200 KO] 17 $355
22.06.2019 Warm Up 6 $4115
23.06.2019 Pot Limit Omaha Bounty [125 KO] 8- max 3 $880
23.05.2019 #26 Bounty [250 KO] 4 $4205
22.05.2019 #21 PLO Bounty [200 KO] 8-max 11 $345
28.04.2019 Pot Limit Omaha Bounty [125 KO] 3 $2090
25.04.2019 Main Event 49 $950
24.04.2019 Sochi Poker Cup 14 $1080
22.04.2019 Warm Up 28 $705
19.04.2019 Turbo Bounty [100 KO] 6 $565
21.03.2019 #5 PLO 14 $440
09.08.2018 ”MEGA SATELLITE TO MAIN EVENT DAY 2 20 TICKETS GTD” 16 5300 c.u.
25.05.2018 HIGH ROLLER 9 10500 c.u.
22.05.2018 MAIN EVENT 87 4500 c.u.
02.07.2014 Merit Poker Cup. 55.000 Guaranteed 11 2126
29.06.2014 WPTN Turbo Satellite to ME (R&A). 8 seats Guaranteed 11 ticket
10.05.2014 MPC Main Event. (Re Entry). 555.000 Guaranteed 21 7050
02.05.2014 Texas NL / 340 (R&A). 75.000 Guaranteed 1 $20745
08.04.2014 WPTN Merit Cyprus Main Event. Day 2. 400.000 Guaranteed 7 21329
04.04.2014 WPTN Turbo Charged 6-Shooter. 25.000 Guaranteed 2 10470
25.03.2014 Texas NL / Speed Deep Stack. 25.000 Guaranteed 5 2010
23.03.2014 Texas NL / Speed Satellite to ME Day 1A(Re Entry). 7 seats Guaranteed 1 Ticket
24.11.2013 Texas NL / EurAsian Poker Tour Main Event. 200.000 Guaranteed 6 $15300
20.11.2013 Texas NL / Turbo Deep Stack. 15.000 Guaranteed 1 $9165
16.08.2013 WPT Merit Cyprus Classic Main Event. 1.000.000 Guaranteed 13 $13.700
13.08.2013 Turbo Charged Texas 6 Handed. 20.000 GTD 4 $ 2.567
08.04.2013 Texas NL / 340 (R&A) 75.000 Guaranteed 9 $3246
05.03.2013 Texas NL / WPT Cyprus National Main Event . 400.000 Guaranteed 2 $80000
28.02.2013 Texas NL / 340 (R&A) 100.000 Guaranteed 5 $6.897
26.02.2013 Texas NL / Bounty (Knock out). Re Entry. 40.000 Guaranteed 6 $ 2.354
25.02.2013 Texas NL / Ultra Deep Stack (Re entry). 6 MAX. 80.000 Guaranteed 6 $ 4.714
14.01.2013 Texas NL / Satellite to ME(R&A). 5 seats Guaranteed 1 Ticket
13.01.2013 Texas NL / Deep Stack(Re Entry). Early Ante. 40.000 Guaranteed 8 $ 2.106
12.01.2013 Texas NL / Warm Up Main Event (Re Entry). 100.000 Guaranteed 1 $ 30.139
08.11.2012 Texas NL / 6 Max (Deep Stack). Early Ante 9 $3463
16.05.2012 Pot Limit Omaha R & A 1 $4100
04.05.2012 Texas NL / 340 (R&A) 100.000 Guaranteed 5 $8451
03.05.2012 Texas NL / Satellite to ME (Re entry). 15K Gua. (5 seats) 1 Ticket
17.07.2010 Texas NL 550 2 $6900
11.07.2010 Texas NL 330 10 $600