Uri Keidar

All players
Rank: 12267
Winnigs for 2024 year:
Total winnings:
Best result:
Location: Israel

Player Stats

Date Tournament Place Winnings
12.05.2019 #40 NL BOUNTY 6MAX $200KO 4 1660 c.u.
10.05.2018 #3 Warm-Up 40 2420 c.u.
28.02.2018 Super Sat. To ME#2 D1A 12 ticket
14.01.2014 Texas NL / Winterfest Warm-Up. 150.000 Guaranteed 23 $1982
25.09.2013 Texas NL / Turbo Satellite to ME. (R&A). 7 seats Guaranteed 2 TICKET($2200)
03.03.2012 Texas NL / Spring Main Event 1. 100.000 Guaranteed 5 $9622