Rauf Bikbulatov

All players
Rauf Bikbulatov
Rank: 10387
Winnigs for 2025 year:
Total winnings:
Best result:
Location: Russia

Player Stats

Date Tournament Place Winnings
28.12.2024 #28 Mini Main Event 35 1150 c.u.
22.12.2024 #5 Sochi Poker Cup 68 690 c.u.
29.05.2014 Texas NL / Turbo Satellite to WPT/EAPT. Day 1A. 3 seats Guaranteed 2 Ticket to ME
28.05.2014 Texas NL / Super Satellite to WPT/EAPT. Day 1A. 9 seats Guaranteed 11 Ticket to ME
27.05.2014 Texas NL / Satellite to WPT/EAPT Day 1A. 6 seats Guaranteed 9 720
25.05.2014 Texas NL / Satellite to CVC Day 1A. 6 seats Guaranteed 7 Ticket to CVC
24.05.2014 Texas NL / Satellite to CVC. Day 1A. 5 seats Guaranteed 3 TIcket to CVC
17.08.2013 WPT Big Stack Satellite. 10 seats Guaranteed 2 $4.400 Ticket
16.08.2013 WPT Main Event Turbo Satellite. 8 seats Guaranteed 7 $4.400 Ticket
13.08.2013 Turbo Charged Texas 6 Handed. 20.000 GTD 3 $ 3.352
12.08.2013 WPT Warm Up. 250.000 Guaranteed 18 $ 2.845
27.07.2013 Texas NL / World Cup Main Event(Day 1A). 500.000 Guaranteed 10 $11650
25.07.2013 Texas NL / Satellite to WCME(R&A). 10 seats Guaranteed 1 Ticket ($3.300)
04.05.2013 Texas NL / Main Event (Re Entry). 500.000 Guaranteed 25 $ 5.430
03.05.2013 Texas NL / Satellite to ME(R&A). 10 seats Guaranteed 6 Ticket($3.300)
02.05.2013 Texas NL / Ultra Deep Stack Turbo(Re entry). 25.000 Guaranteed 15 $ 701
02.05.2013 Texas NL / Mega Satellite to ME (Re Entry). 10 seats Guaranteed 4 Ticket ($3300)
30.04.2013 Texas NL / Satellite to ME(R&A). 10 seats Guaranteed 4 Ticket ($3000)
28.04.2013 Texas NL / Bounty (Knock out). Re Entry. 25.000 Guaranteed 6 $1.875
26.04.2013 Texas NL / 550 (Re Entry) 25.000 Guaranteed 7 $2365
06.08.2011 Texas NL / Main Event 11 11201 c.u.
03.08.2011 Texas NL / Supersatellite to ME(R&A) 1 Ticket
17.07.2010 Texas NL 550 6 $1500
14.07.2010 Texas NL / SuperSatellite to VIP (R&A) 1 Ticket
09.07.2010 Texas NL/Supersatellite to ME 1 Ticket
23.11.2010 Texas NL/Supersatellite to ME(R&A) 1 Ticket