Mustafa Meryumoglu

All players
Mustafa Meryumoglu
Rank: 8884
Winnigs for 2024 year:
Total winnings:
Best result:
Location: Turkiye

Player Stats

Date Tournament Place Winnings
01.01.1970 Turbo Bounty $100 K.O 3 1215 c.u.
01.01.1970 NL TURBO 2 4124 c.u.
17.05.2018 #28 Mix Max 9 3805 c.u.
10.05.2018 #3 Warm-Up 13 5405 c.u.
07.05.2018 #5 Satellite to Main Event 4 ticket
04.09.2014 WPTN Warm Up. 300.000 Guaranteed 8 $13.212
29.06.2014 WPTN Turbo Satellite to ME (R&A). 8 seats Guaranteed 9 ticket
03.05.2013 Texas NL / Satellite to ME(R&A). 10 seats Guaranteed 9 Ticket($3.300)
18.01.2013 Texas NL / Mega Satellite to ME (2nd Chance). 10 seats Guaranteed 1 Ticket
28.07.2012 Texas NL / Merit Grand Main. 400.000 Guaranteed 5 $ 24.328
09.08.2012 Texas NL / Merit Special Event (Re entry). 200.000 Guaranteed 1 $76.156
28.11.2010 Texas NL 550 2 $5140
24.11.2010 Texas NL/Supersatellite to ME 1 Ticket