Milad Oghabian Langar

All players
Rank: 8453
Winnigs for 2024 year:
Total winnings:
Best result:

Player Stats

Date Tournament Place Winnings
09.05.2019 #17 MAIN EVENT 56 10765 c.u.
01.01.1970 #31 Mix Max 31 2575 c.u.
02.05.2019 #2 Warm Up 1 161428 c.u.
01.01.1970 NL TURBO DEEP STACK 6 2780 c.u.
19.09.2018 #26 Sat. to HR D2 5 3650 c.u.
13.09.2018 #9 Super Sat. to ME D 1A 1 ticket
13.05.2018 #19 Satellite to HR 1 ticket
10.05.2018 #3 Warm-Up 8 12100 c.u.
09.05.2018 #8 Satellite to High Roller Day1A 2 ticket
08.05.2018 #7 Turbo Deep Stack 2 11145 c.u.
06.05.2018 #2 Satellite to Main Event 1 ticket
26.02.2018 Turbo Sat. To ME#2 R&A 2 ticket
22.02.2018 Satellite to ME#1, Day 1B 5 ticket
21.11.2016 Omaha PL, Bounty [200 KO]. $ 10.000 Guaranteed 1 3990$
21.11.2016 NL Mix Max Day1. $60.000 Guaranteed 6 5190$
11.06.2016 Turbo Deep Stack. $20.000 Guaranteed 4 2905$
09.06.2016 Super Satellite to Main Event. 11 seats Guaranteed 12 ticket
13.03.2016 Main Event. $350.000 Guaranteed 8 $ 20 300
09.03.2016 Super Satellite to Main Event Day 1A. 11 seats Guaranteed 14 ticket
09.09.2015 Big Ante. $20.000 Guaranteed 1 $ 5.243
06.09.2015 MSOP Turbo Deep Stack. $50.000 Guaranteed 4 $ 8.005
28.07.2015 Merit Poker Cup. $50.000 Guaranteed 14 1495$
20.06.2015 Warm Up. $125.000 Guaranteed 1 35180