Marius Zalpys

All players
Rank: 8349
Winnigs for 2025 year:
Total winnings:
Best result:
Location: Lithuania

Player Stats

Date Tournament Place Winnings
21.02.2018 Satellite to ME#1 Day1A 6 ticket
21.02.2018 Turbo Bounty ($200 K.O.) 1 5120 c.u.
30.04.2016 Warm Up. Day 2. $125.000 Guaranteed 10 2780$
09.03.2016 Super Satellite to Main Event Day 1A. 11 seats Guaranteed 13 ticket
06.03.2016 Merit Poker Cup. $50.000 Guaranteed 13 $ 1195
18.01.2016 6 Max. $20.000 Guaranteed 1 $ 12 695
17.01.2016 NLH Deep Stack. $30.000 Guaranteed 2 $ 7315
16.01.2016 THNL Hyper Turbo. 30.000 Guaranteed 8 $ 1400
13.01.2016 Warm Up. $125.000 Guaranteed 5 $11015
03.05.2015 Warm Up. $125.000 Guaranteed 17 2300