Fanil Shakiryanov

All players
Fanil Shakiryanov
Rank: 5502
Winnigs for 2025 year:
Total winnings:
Best result:
Location: Russia

Player Stats

Date Tournament Place Winnings
27.11.2018 #18 HT Satellite to ME Day 1C 4 $550
23.11.2018 #8 Turbo Deep Stack Bounty 165 KO 19 $300
03.02.2018 ”MIDDLE NIGHT HYPER TURBO BOUNTY 12 000 RUB KO” 1 4045 c.u.
17.03.2017 6-max Bounty 100 Ko 12 380 c.u.
24.05.2014 Texas NL / Satellite to CVC. Day 1A. 5 seats Guaranteed 4 TIcket to CVC