Damir Tlif

All players
Rank: 3781
Winnigs for 2025 year:
Total winnings:
Best result:
Location: Russia

Player Stats

Date Tournament Place Winnings
27.08.2024 #46 Satellite to Turbo Main, seat at 80K chips 7 1000 c.u.
27.08.2024 #46 Satellite to Turbo Main, seat at 80K chips 8 125 c.u.
26.08.2024 #40 Bounty Satellite [100 у.е. Bounty] to Main Event Day 1C 4 1000 c.u.
29.08.2024 #53 Main Event Bounty [500 у.е. Bounty] 19 950 c.u.
28.08.2024 #48 Turbo Main Event 12 2150 c.u.
06.06.2024 #2 МЕДНЫЙ ВСАДНИК 1 4600 c.u.
20.06.2023 #21 Progressive Super Bounty [280 у.е. Bounty] 7%-ITM 3 1952 c.u.