Alexandr Belous

All players
Rank: 1507
Winnigs for 2025 year:
Total winnings:
Best result:
Location: Russia

Player Stats

Date Tournament Place Winnings
25.11.2019 #12 Satellite to Main Event Day 1A seat at 100 000 chips 10 500 c.u.
22.11.2019 #3 Satellite to RPC Day 1B seat at 100 000 chips 3 550 c.u.
11.09.2019 #19 Main Event 29 1495
09.09.2019 #13 Supersatellite to High Roller 1 $1100
07.09.2019 #8 Bounty Satellite to Day 1 A Main Event [100 Ko] 3 $550
23.07.2019 Main Event 1 in 10 Satellite: 15 Day 1B Seats 4 $1015
18.07.2019 Colossus 270 $600
18.07.2019 Colossus 211 $700
03.01.2018 SOCHI POKER CUP 5 2830 c.u.
18.03.2017 Russian Poker Championship 250K Gtd 46 1270 c.u.
05.04.2014 Texas NL / Turbo Deep Stack. 60.000 Guaranteed 14 1676
03.04.2014 Texas NL / Super Satellite to ME. 10 seats Guaranteed 1 Ticket
02.04.2014 Texas NL / 275. 40.000 Guaranteed 9 1855